
Bylaws of Minnesota Tamil Sangam

Bylaws of Minnesota Tamil Sangam (Formerly Tamil Association of Minnesota)
An incorporated, non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

Federal Tax ID: EIN – 36-4560082

Bylaw I: Nature of the organization

  • Section 1. Minnesota Tamil Sangam, hereinafter referred to as Sangam or MNTS, is a member-based, non-profit, cultural, and charitable organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota, USA.
  • Section 2: This corporation is organized exclusively for CHARITABLE, CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL purposes of promoting Tamil Culture to Tamil community in the state of Minnesota within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that also qualify as Section 501(c)(3) exempt organizations. To this end, the corporation shall bring Tamilians in Minnesota together by uniting the members of Minnesota’s Tamil community, we hope to strengthen and expand the reach of the Tamil culture to the second generation Tamil kids. The main purpose of this organization will be to educate Tamil language and culture by conducting workshops and stage programs involving experts in the field of Tamil Literature and Art. All funds, whether income or principal, and whether acquired by gift or contribution or otherwise, shall be devoted to said purposes.
  • Section 3: The properties and affairs of MNTS shall be managed by the Board.
  • Section 4: In general, the Board shall establish policies of MNTS, directives to Board Members and Committee Chairpersons, and implement programs to fulfill its objectives.
  • Section 5: Each Board Member shall act in good faith, make an informed business decision and exhibit the exercise of discretion in an impartial manner. Each Board Member shall sign a No-Conflict of Interest Statement pertaining to conducting MNTS business.
  • Section 6: Each Executive Board Member will take on the responsibility of overseeing at least one key aspect of each MNTS event. Each Board of Directors member will take on the responsibility of assisting in at least one key aspect of each MNTS event.
  • Section 7: All Board Members serve on a voluntary basis and will be reimbursed only for authorized out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of MNTS upon submitting original expense receipts to the Treasurer.
  • Section 8: Any MNTS Member in good standing for more than 6(six) months after joining the organization is eligible to be a candidate of the Board of Directors.
  • Section 9: Any MNTS Member in good standing who has been a member of the Board of Directors for at least six (6) months is eligible to fill a vacant position on the Executive Board.
  • Section 10: The addition of Members to the Board is subject to an election by the current Board Members in which there must be an affirmative vote that is unanimous amongst the Executive Board and a seventy-five percent (75%) majority amongst the Board of Directors in order for a candidate to be admitted to the Board.
  • Section 11: Attendance of all Board Meetings is limited to Members of the Board. Non-Board Members may only attend a Board meeting at the invitation of the Board, with the prior consent of all Executive Board members. There shall be minimum of 4 board meetings in a calendar year.
  • Section 12: Attendance at each Board Meeting by each Board Member is mandatory except that absence may be excused due to out-of-town situations, critical illness, and emergency situations. Attendance at each Executive Board Meeting by each Executive Board Member is mandatory and is subject to the same exceptions as Board Meeting attendance. Board Members shall call the President (or other Executive Board Member in the President’s absence) in advance if he/she cannot attend a meeting. For the Board to do transactions and business, there should 60% quorum, which means 60% of current board of directors must attend the board meeting. In the absence of such 60% quorum in a board meeting, the President can speak state of MNTS, treasurer can report financial status of MNTS and the President shall adjourn the board meeting. In the absence of 60% quorum in board meetings, no motions and no debates will be entertained from board members.
  • Section 13: A Board Member is automatically terminated from the Board after two (2) consecutive unexcused Board Meeting absences.
  • Section 14: Any Board Member may be removed from the Board only upon action taken by the Board, for the harm caused to MNTS by the Member. Board Members may initiate such removal action by the filing of written charges and supporting evidence with the MNTS President, who will call a special Board Meeting within seven (7) days for the determination of Board Membership of the Board Member in question. Removal shall occur with an affirmative vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the entire Board, excluding the Board Member in question.
  • Section 15. MNTS does not contemplate any financial gain or profit for its members.
  • Section 16. Members of MNTS shall acquire no interest in the property or assets of MNTS by virtue of their membership therein.
  • Section 17. MNTS does not authorize engaging in any other activity or activities, except in furtherance of the purposes as mentioned or written under Article 3 of the Constitution/Articles of Incorporation of MNTS, and henceforth will be referred to as the Constitution in this bylaws document.
  • Section 18. MNTS shall be non-political. It shall never engage in propaganda, or participate in any political campaign for and on behalf of any candidate for public office in USA or elsewhere. MNTS shall not support anyone, including any member of MNTS, for any political campaign whatsoever in USA or elsewhere, as defined by Article 4 of the Constitution.
  • Section 18a. MNTS shall be non-religious. It shall never engage in propaganda, or participate in any religious campaign for and on behalf of any Religion.
  • Section 19. No part of the property or assets of MNTS shall be devoted to any purpose other than the purposes mentioned under Article 3 of the Articles of Incorporation of MNTS.
  • Section 20. Members and officers of MNTS shall not be held personally responsible or liable in any lawsuit against MNTS and for any debt incurred by MNTS. The extent of liability of members and officers shall be limited to the unpaid membership dues and for no more.
  • Section 21. For all official functions, MNTS shall use “Tamil Thai Vazthu” – “Neeraarum Kadalududhdha” composed by Thiru Manonmanium P. Sundaram Pillai as the invocation song.
  • Section 22:
    • 22.1 Types of membership, fees and basic rights:
    • 22.1.1 Individual membership: Individual members shall pay an annual membership fee of $15.
    • 22.1.2 Family membership: Family members shall pay an annual membership fee of $25.
    • 22. 1.3 Student Membership: Student members shall pay an annual membership fee of $10. This category of membership is restricted to full-time students between the ages of 18 and 25 currently enrolled in a University. The Student Member can cast a single vote in MNTS’s meetings and is eligible to run for office, as outlined in the election procedure.
    • 22.1.4 Program Fees: Only members are permitted to attend and participate in MNTS programs. Non-members who want to perform or attend MNTS programs shall pay a fee of not less than $10.00 per person per program. Non-members who pay such program fees to participate in or attend MNTS programs are not eligible to attend MNTS meetings, vote, or run for office.
    • 22.1.5 Membership fees are not refundable.
    • 22.1.6 The membership of the MNTS shall be open to all nationals who subscribe to the objectives of Tamil Sangam.
  • The Board of Directors may disapprove the membership of any individual whose objectives and activities are opposed to or are not in harmony with the purpose of the MNTS.
  • 22.1.7 Change of membership fees: The Executive Committee (EC) may propose, by a simple majority vote, a change in the membership fees for each category of membership. Any change in membership dues shall take effect the next calendar year after a majority vote in favor of such a proposal.
  • Section 23: No Director, Officer, or member serving in the Executive Committee or any subcommittee of MNTS shall receive, directly or indirectly, any salary, compensation or emoluments thereof, due solely to his or her position as Director, Officer, or member of Executive Committee, as defined by Article 4 of the Constitution. Notwithstanding this provision, a Director, Officer or member of Executive Committee may be compensated for providing business or other professional services for which compensation is customarily paid.
  • Section 24: Rules and Laws: The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be authority on all questions of procedures that are not specifically stated in MNTS’s bylaws. MNTS is subject to all applicable local, state and federal laws of USA, which shall govern in the case of any conflict between them and MNTS’s bylaws.

Bylaw II: Duties of the EC and Officers
To maintain and further the purposes of MNTS as stated under Article 3 of the Constitution, the EC shall be vested with the title and ownership of all real, personal and other properties of MNTS and shall have the following duties and powers:

    • Section 1. To purchase, rent or lease, own, mortgage, maintain, sell and dispose of real, personal and other property or properties of MNTS.
    • Section 2. To create an endowment, receive and hold in trust as otherwise voluntary contributions, gifts, bequests or levies to be devoted to such purposes to the full extent to which they may be authorized hereby.
    • Section 3. To make disbursements and perform any other business as deemed necessary and desirable in the interest of MNTS.
    • Section 4. The President shall be the spokesperson for MNTS. The President shall preside over the meetings of MNTS and the EC, and shall perform all the duties of a presiding officer.

In addition, the President, by virtue of the office he/she holds in MNTS, serves as a Director in the Board of Directors. The President shall address the BOD about the State of the MNTS in every BOD meeting.

  • Section 5. The Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President whenever the President is absent. If the President is present, the Vice-President shall assist the President in his duties.
    If, for any reason, the office of President falls vacant mid-term during a calendar year, the Vice-President shall take-over the role and title of President for the remainder of the year.
  • Section 6. The Secretary of Sangam shall convene, call, and send notices for all meetings. The Secretary shall
    • Record the proceedings & maintain minutes of all the meetings of the EC and General Body Meeting
    • Keep a record of the MNTS’s official correspondence for the year
    • Regularly check mailbox, and keep EC/BOD informed of relevant mail
    • Maintain current membership database, including email addresses and other contact information of MNTS’s members
    • Honor appropriate requests for information from members
    • Renew business license for MNTS and any other statutory renewals with local, state and federal authorities every year
    • Secure insurance for activities and property (hall/theater) rentals
    • Hold and preserve all office records, registers, books and papers of the current year
    • Shall handover all documentation at the end of the year to the BOD for archival purposes, and
    • Shall perform all other duties pertaining to the Secretary as directed or decided by the EC.
  • Section 7. The Treasurer shall
    • Collect all dues, contributions, donations and receive all monies belonging to MNTS giving a receipt thereof,
    • Shall deposit the amount in the name of MNTS in a bank designated by the EC,
    • Pay all bills after due review and upon the instructions of the EC,
    • Shall notify members or business or any individual who are three months in arrears in dues,
    • Shall keep and maintain proper and accurate record of all transactions and properties as well as all assets and liabilities, receipts and disbursement vouchers and all other records and accounts that are required by the EC,
    • Shall be responsible to file tax returns for MNTS as required by IRS guidelines,
    • Shall furnish financial reports at EC meetings after every MNTS program/function,
    • Shall perform all other duties and responsibilities as a Treasurer as required by EC and BOD.
    • The Treasurer shall present the final report for the calendar year in which he/she served as Treasurer at or before the BOD of the subsequent calendar year (usually the Tamil New Year’s celebration).
    • The Treasurer, holding office during a particular year, is responsible to file and sign the tax returns for that year although the actual tax returns are actually filed only in the subsequent year.
    • Treasurer may create an ad-hoc committee that will assist in financial and accounting activities. Such a committee can have a maximum of 3 members, and all members of such a committee shall be members of the current year EC.
    • In addition, the Treasurer, by virtue of the office he/she holds in MNTS, serves as a Director in the Board of Directors. The Treasurer is expected to attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, submit quarterly financial & membership reports to the BOD. Such reports shall include budgets, actual expenses, program expense, tax filing, charity-related income, expenses & disbursements.
    • In the absence of Treasurer, Co-treasurer will be performing the above mentioned duties of the Treasurer.
  • Section 8: The Communications Committee is in-charge of MNTS communication activities. These include newsletter, annual membership directory, maintaining web sites, email distribution and maintaining Email databases of the members of MNTS. He/she is, upon request of the BOD, EC, and other subcommittees, responsible for communicating MNTS activities to the general public of the community and MNTS subcommittees, and vice versa.

    Since effective communication is an integral part of our MNTS, projecting our image to the communities (Tamil, Indian & the mainstream American communities), the Communication Committee should work closely with members of the board to disseminate information to the community via e-Letter, and website and other portals of communication. The Communications Committee will be an elected body selected by the BOD and ratified by a majority vote. This committee will have a term of at least one year.

    Apart from the Communications Committee, Chairman of Board of Directors and President should have full access to all the communication facilities, and must be able to communicate with MNTS members at any time.

    The mailing system should be designed in such a way that the email messages or request reaches all the office bearers, EC, BOD, or respective sub groups automatically, if the message is meant for them.

    The content on the website shall reflect only factual information pertaining to the values and objectives of MNTS. All MNTS public member communications have to be moderated and validated by the Communications Committee. On approval of the same, contents will be communicated via mail & web postings. Similarly all feedback, issues, clarifications from the public will be routed to the Communications Committee, which will internally route it to the appropriate EC or BOD or a subcommittee with a copy to President and the Vice President.

    The Communications Committee is responsible to archive the contents of the website and submit it as part of the transition process at the end of the year.

  • Section 9. The other elected members of the EC shall assist the officers, as mentioned in by-law I, sections 4 through 7, in the performance of their duties and also serving in the MNTS subcommittees (bylaw I sec. 6).
  • Section 10: Every office bearer and Executive Committee Member is elected individually by the BOD. In transacting business, a decision made by a majority vote is binding; however, EC members are expected to operate under the constraints of MNTS’s Articles of Association, Bylaws, prevailing law, and generally accepted principles of conduct.
  • Section 11. Ad-hoc committees: The Executive Committee has the power to establish task-based committees to accomplish specific tasks or to handle specific events.
  • The term of all such task-based committees established by the Executive Committee shall cease when the task is completed or the term expires or at the end of the calendar year in which it was formed, whichever is earlier.

    Administration/Management by Executive Committee (EC) of Sangam

  • Section 1. Composition of Executive Committee.
    • 1.1 The total number of members on the EC shall not exceed 6. Of these, 6 shall be Officer Bearers with the titles of President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, and Co-treasurer. Rest shall be members of the board.
    • 1.2 Elected Body: All members of the EC shall be elected by the BOD, except where vacancies are filled, as outlined in MNTS bylaws.
    • 1.3 Term: All EC members are elected for term of 2 calendar years, and are eligible to be re-elected. The President and Treasurer shall not serve more than two consecutive years in that position.
    • 1.4 The strength of this committee could be enlarged only by a Seventy five percent (75%) majority vote of members in the BOD.
  • Section 2. Meeting of the Executive Committee:
    • 2.1 The Secretary or the President shall be responsible to decide the date, time, place and agenda for the meetings in consultation with all members of the EC.
    • 2.2 Notice of meeting: Secretary shall give at least 1 weeks’ notice of meeting to all EC members and others invitees.
    • 2.3 All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the bylaws of the Sangam.
    • 2.4 Regular Meetings: Meetings of the EC shall be held at least once in 3 months.
    • 2.5 Special Meetings: Special meetings of the EC may be called for any purpose at any time at the request of a member of the EC. Written or email notice of such request must be provided to the Secretary at least 1 week prior to the requested date of the meeting, and the Secretary shall arrange for such meeting if the majority of EC members agree to the request.
    • 2.6 Quorum: The presence of a majority of members of the Executive Committee, including a minimum of 3 Officers, shall be necessary to constitute Quorum for EC meetings. This quorum is necessary to transact MNTS business, except to adjourn as hereinafter provided. A majority vote of those present may transact all businesses, except as otherwise provided.
    • 2.7 Adjournment: A quorum of EC members may adjourn any EC meeting to meet again on a stated day, provided however, that in the absence of quorum, a majority of the members present at any meeting of the EC may adjourn the meeting, to meet again at a stated time and place. Notice of such adjourned meetings shall be given to all members of EC, as provided in the Special Meetings, section 2.5 above.
    • 2.8 Participation by electronic means in meetings: Members may participate and vote in meetings of executive committee by electronic means such as telephone, audio/video conference, and other means where their identity can be verified by others present at the meeting.
  • Section 4. Responsibility of EC member to attend meetings and participate: All EC members are expected to attend EC meetings and participate effectively in running the Sangam. If a member is habitually absent, i.e. absent for three consecutive EC meetings, without a reasonable cause for such absence, Executive Committee may, by 2/3rds majority, vote to remove that member from the Executive Committee, and immediately inform the Board of Directors of such action. Once the removal is approved by a 2/3rds majority vote of the EC, and approved by Board of Directors, that member will be ineligible to serve as a member of the EC for the remaining term.
  • Section 5. Vacant positions in the Executive Committee: There are 6 positions in the Executive Committee (6 office bearers). There could be vacant positions in the Executive Committee because of various reasons – insufficient number of nominations for all the positions during the election process, resignations, disqualifications, removals, and other.
    If vacancies exist during the course of the year after the elections or Sangam failed to fill the positions during floor nominations, the EC and/or BOD shall identify members in good standing, and nominate them for approval by EC. If the vacant position being filled is either the President or Treasurer Position, BOD approval is required. Once the position is filled, MNTS website should be updated.
    At a minimum, the 6 Office Bearer positions shall not remain vacant for more than 2 weeks. If a vacancy arises in any of the 6 Office Bearer positions, such vacancy shall be filled within 2 weeks. If the total number of members in EC falls below 6, the Board of Directors (BOD) shall assume the responsibility of running the day-to-day affairs of Sangam, until such time a quorum is restored in the EC within that calendar year. Failing so, the BOD will be in additional operational charge of Sangam, and will discharge the duties of EC until the new EC team is duly elected by the BOD during the elections as specified in this document.
  • Section 6. The outgoing treasurer shall present the previous year financial statement of Sangam at the first general body meeting of the following year. (Generally, at the Tamil New Year Day function.).
  • Section 7. Member’s Email address protection: Past and current members’ email addresses in MNTS membership databases shall not be provided to any businesses or individuals, and should be maintained confidentially by officers of Sangam. After leaving office, the officers are prohibited from providing any confidential member records to public or businesses or use it for their own personal, business, or other interests.
  • Section 8: Partnership and collaboration policy: The Executive Committee is free to explore avenues to promote the cultural and charitable goals of Sangam by collaborating with other non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organizations or for-profit associations or individuals. However, each such proposal shall be discussed and approved by the majority of the BOD, shall be documented and signed. These collaborative ventures should conform to the rules and regulations set forth by the IRS for a non-profit, tax-exempt (501 3c) organizations such as Sangam.
  • Section 9: Email and Website communication:
    MNTS website shall, at a minimum, contain the following information:


    • Constitution & Articles of Incorporation
    • Mission & Vision Statements
    • Bylaws
    • Board of Directors
    • Executive Committee
    • Subcommittees
    • Contact details (phone number and email id of Chairman and President)
    • An email id to communicate with Executive Committee
    • Membership information – how to become a member, membership strength (in every category of membership).
    • Financial information – copy of financial statements filed with IRS.


Amendmemt 1 – Dec 15 2012

Section 1 – Nature of organization changes

  • 1.1 Cultural, Educational and Charitable
  • 1.2 The corporation shall bring Tamilians in Minnesota together by uniting the members of Minnesota’s Tamil community from all over the world without any discrimination towards their country of origin.
  • 1.3 The main purpose of this organization will be to educate Tamil language and culture by conducting Tamil Classes for Kids/Adults workshops and stage programs
  • 1.4 For the purpose of conducting Tamil classes and workshops MNTS Operates MNTS Tamil School. For the purpose of enriching the youth with Tamil culture and promoting community service, MNTS operates MNTS Youth Organization.
  • 1.5 For efficiency purposes and the nature of the weekly commitments to run the Tamil School, MNTS Tamil School will have their own Executive Committee and School Board consists of Teachers and Parents.
  • 1.6 (Accounting): For the purposes of managing the income and expenses MNTS and of MNTS Tamil School shall operate separate bank accounts. The discretion of using the funds of MNTS towards the expenses of MNTS or MNTS Tamil School will be decided by the MNTS Executive committee and Board.
  • 1.7 The properties and affairs of MNTS shall be managed by the Board. The properties and affairs of MNTS School shall be managed by the School Board.
  • 1.8 All Board Members serve on a voluntary basis. Any out of pocket expenses incurred on behalf of MNTS must be pre-authorized by the executive committee. Such expenses will be reimbursed upon submitting original expense receipts to the Treasurer within 30 days of the sales receipt.


Section 2 – MNTS Board of Directors & Executive committee changes

  • 2.1 Attendance of all Board Meetings is limited to Members of the Board. Non-Board Members may only attend a Board meeting at the invitation of the Board, with the prior consent of all Executive Board members. There shall be 4 mandatory quarterly in-person meeting s in a calendar year. .
  • 2.2 A Board Member is automatically terminated from the Board after two (2) consecutive unexcused Board Meeting absences. Board members who are not present for at least 75% of the meeting duration for any un-excused reason shall be called absent for the meeting.
  • 2.3 Any Board Member may be removed from the Board only upon action taken by the Board, for the harm caused to MNTS by the Member. Board Members may initiate such removal action by the filing of written charges and supporting evidence with the MNTS President, who will call a special Board Meeting within seven (7) days for the determination of Board Membership of the Board Member in question. Removal shall occur with an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the entire Board, excluding the Board Member in question.

Section 3 – Membership Fee Changes

  • 3.1 Program Fees: Only members are permitted to attend and perform in MNTS programs. Non-members who want to attend MNTS programs shall pay a fee of that is determined by the MNTS Board for the specific program. Non-members who pay such program fees to MNTS programs are not eligible to attend MNTS meetings, vote, or run for office.
  • 3.2 Individual membership: Individual members shall pay an annual membership fee of $25.
  • 3.3 Family membership: Family members shall pay an annual membership fee of $40.
  • 3.4 Student Membership: Student members shall pay an annual membership fee of $20.
  • 3.5 The Board of Directors may disapprove the membership of any individual using simple majority whose objectives and activities are opposed to or are not in harmony with the purpose of the MNTS.
  • 3.6 Change of membership fees:. For member based organizations General Body consisting of all the members will be the forum to change the membership fee. The Board may propose the changes, but it need to be ratified with 2/3 majority in the GB of the members present for the meeting.

Section 4 – Composition of MNTS General Body & General Body Meetings

  • 4.1: Every active current member of MNTS will be automatically become the member of General Body with equal voting rights
  • 4.2: MNTS GB will be ultimate authority to vote and decide on any major policy decision, ratifying or electing the Executive Committee
  • 4.3: Annual Membership changes need to be approved and ratified by GB before it is effective
  • 4.4: 25 active members of MNTS shall constitute the quorum to conduct any business
  • 4.6: Mandatory Annual GB Meeting should be conducted by the current President/Secretary between Oct and Dec of every Year.
  • 4.7: Special GB Meeting can be called by the current President/Secretary at any time based on the need or for any major policy approval or by-law change

Section 5 – General Body Meetings:

  • 5.1 Annual General Body Meeting: An Annual General body Meeting of the Members of MNTS shall be held between the fifteenth of May and October of each year.
  • 5.2 Notification of Annual General body Meeting: Each Member of MNTS shall be notified by the Secretary in writing of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting. Notification of the meetings shall be mailed by US Postal Service or email not less than thirty days and not more than sixty days prior to the date of the meeting. Notice mailed to the address of record on file with the Secretary shall constitute notification. Email will be the primary form of notification for General Body meetings either it is Annual or special. Communication will be sent to the registered email address as delegate or as life member.
  • 5.3 Special General Body Meeting: Special meetings shall be held for any purpose concerning the MNTS. The President shall call a special meeting of the MNTS at such times as he/she may deem appropriate, upon a resolution of the Board of Directors, or upon receipt of a petition to the Secretary for a meeting signed by not less than one-fourth of the active members of the MNTS.
  • 5.4 Notification of the Special Meeting of the MNTS: A written notice of the meeting shall be sent by the Secretary via US Postal Service or email to all the Members of the Sangam at least 15 days in advance of the meeting. The notice must contain the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting.

Section 6 – Election Procedure for Executive Committee

  • 6.1: Election of officers for the Executive Committee will occur every two years during November. A special election may be held at any time agreed to by 2/3 majority of the board of directors present and/or General body
  • 6.2: Elections shall be presided and moderated by the 1 member Election Committee appointed by the 2/3 majority of the current active MNTS Board Members.
  • 6.3: Nominations for election of Executive Committee shall be called for not less than 30 days before the date of election. Nominations shall be finalized 15 days before the election date.
  • 6.4: Members for the Executive Committee is subject to election by the current Board of Directors. In case of more than one nomination for a position in the Executive Committee, election is subject to a simple majority vote amongst the Board of Directors in order for a candidate to be admitted to the executive committee.
  • 6.5: The results of the election shall be ratified by the members of MNTS General Body within 30 of the election.
  • 6.6: Election of officers will be held during the November monthly meeting of the even year. Newly elected officers shall take office on the following January 1st. Officers stepping down shall place themselves at the disposal of the new officers in an advisory capacity, if necessary.


Amendmemt 2 – Dec 15 2013



1. Nature of organization changes

  •  Cultural, Educational and Charitable
  •  the corporation shall bring Tamilians in Minnesota together by uniting the members of Minnesota’s Tamil community from all over the world  without any discrimination towards their country of origin.
  • The main purpose of this organization will be to educate Tamil language and culture by conducting Tamil Classes for Kids/Adults workshops and stage programs
  • For the purpose of conducting Tamil classes and workshops MNTS Operates MNTS Tamil School. For the purpose of enriching the youth with Tamil culture and promoting community service, MNTS operates MNTS Youth Organization.
  • For efficiency purposes and the nature of the weekly commitments to run the Tamil School, MNTS Tamil School will have their own Executive Committee and School Board consists of Teachers and Parents.
  • (Accounting): For the purposes of managing the income and expenses MNTS and of MNTS Tamil School shall operate separate bank accounts. The discretion of using the funds of MNTS towards the expenses of MNTS or MNTS Tamil School will be decided
    by the MNTS Executive committee and Board.
  • The properties and affairs of MNTS shall be managed by the Board. The properties and affairs of MNTS School shall be managed by the School Board.
  • All Board Members serve on a voluntary basis. Any out of pocket expenses incurred on behalf of MNTS must be pre-authorized by the executive committee. Such expenses will be reimbursed upon submitting original expense receipts to the Treasurer within 30 days of the sales receipt.


2. MNTS Board of Directors & Executive committee changes

  •  Attendance of all Board Meetings is limited to Members of the Board. Non-Board Members may only attend a Board meeting at the invitation of the Board, with the prior consent of all Executive Board members. There shall be 4 mandatory quarterly inperson
    meeting s in a calendar year.
  • A Board Member is automatically terminated from the Board after two (2) consecutive unexcused Board Meeting absences. Board members who are not present for at least 75% of the meeting duration for any un-excused reason shall be called absent for the
  • Any Board Member may be removed from the Board only upon action taken by the Board, for the harm caused to MNTS by the Member. Board Members may initiate such removal action by the filing of written charges and supporting evidence with the MNTS
    President, who will call a special Board Meeting within seven (7) days for the determination of Board Membership of the Board Member in question. Removal shall occur with an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the entire Board, excluding the Board Member
    in question.

3. Membership Fee Changes

  •  Program Fees: Only members are permitted to attend and perform in MNTS programs. Non-members who want to attend MNTS programs shall pay a fee of that is determined by the MNTS Board for the specific program.. Non-members who pay such program
    fees to MNTS programs are not eligible to attend MNTS meetings, vote, or run for office.
  •  Individual membership: Individual members shall pay an annual membership fee of $25.
  • Family membership: Family members shall pay an annual membership fee of $40.
  • Student Membership: Student members shall pay an annual membership fee of $20.
  • The Board of Directors may disapprove the membership of any individual using simple majority whose objectives and activities are opposed to or are not in harmony with the purpose of the MNTS.
  • Change of membership fees:. For member based organizations General Body consisting of all the members will be the forum to change the membership fee. The Board may propose the changes, but it need to be ratified with 2/3 majority in the GB of the members present for the meeting.

4. Composition of MNTS General Body & General Body Meetings

  •  13(b).1: Every active current member of MNTS will be automatically become the member of General Body with equal voting rights
  •  13(b).2: MNTS GB will be ultimate authority to vote and decide on any major policy decision, ratifying or electing the Executive Committee
  •  13(b).3: Annual Membership changes need to be approved and ratified by GB before it is effective
  •  13(b).4: 25 active members of MNTS shall constitute the quorum to conduct any business
  • 3(b) 6: Mandatory Annual GB Meeting should be conducted by the current President/Secretary between Oct and Dec of every Year.
  • 3(b) 7: Special GB Meeting can be called by the current President/Secretary at any time based on the need or for any major policy approval or by-law change

Section 4 – General Body Meetings:

  •  4.1 Annual General Body Meeting: An Annual General body Meeting of the Members of MNTS shall be held between the fifteenth of May and October of each year.
  •  4.2 Notification of Annual General body Meeting: Each Member of MNTS shall be notified by the Secretary in writing of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting. Notification of the meetings shall be mailed by US Postal Service or email not less than thirty days and not more than sixty days prior to the date of the meeting. Notice mailed to the address of record on file with the Secretary shall constitute notification. Email will be the primary form of notification for General Body meetings either it is Annual or special. Communication will be sent to the registered email address as delegate or as life member.
  •  4.3 Special General Body Meeting: Special meetings shall be held for any purpose concerning the MNTS. The President shall call a special meeting of the MNTS at such times as he/she may deem appropriate, upon a resolution of the Board of Directors, or upon receipt of a petition to the Secretary for a meeting signed by not less than one-fourth of the active members of the MNTS.
  • 4.4 Notification of the Special Meeting of the MNTS: A written notice of the meeting shall be sent by the Secretary via US Postal Service or email to all the Members of the Sangam at least 15 days in advance of the meeting. The notice must contain the date,
    time, place and purpose of the meeting.

7. Election Procedure for Executive Committee

5.1: Election of officers for the Executive Committee will occur every two years during November. A special election may be held at any time agreed to by 2/3 majority of the board of directors present and/or General body
5.2: Elections shall be presided and moderated by the 1 member Election Committee appointed by the 2/3 majority of the current active MNTS Board Members.
5.3: Nominations for election of Executive Committee shall be called for not less than 30 days before the date of election. Nominations shall be finalized 15 days before the election date.
5.4: Members for the Executive Committee is subject to election by the current Board of Directors. In case of more than one nomination for a position in the Executive Committee, election is subject to a simple majority vote amongst the Board of Directors in order for a candidate to be admitted to the executive committee.
5.4: The results of the election shall be ratified by the members of MNTS General Body within 30 of the election.
5.5: Election of officers will be held during the November monthly meeting of the even year. Newly elected officers shall take office on the following January 1st. Officers stepping down shall place themselves at the disposal of the new officers in an advisory capacity, if necessary.